Oleotourism in Pulpí: Guided tour olive farm & facilities (ENGLISH)

Tienda Gourmet Oleo Almanzora: Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra. Polígono Industrial de Pulpí "Calle I" Nº8 - Mapa ikusi
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Embark on a captivating journey through Pulpí with OleoAlmanzora.
Mediterranean Passion! Passion for Health!

Join us on a visit to one of our innovative olive groves in Pulpí, where you can appreciate the secret of cultivating and harvesting our olive trees. After the mesmerizing walking tour, at the Oleoalmanzora facilities, you will see our tasting room, cellar, and bottling room. There, you'll learn about the oil production and preservation process through different demonstrative videos. The visit will culminate with a delicious tasting of Extra Virgin Olive Oils and Aromatic Olive Oil Condiments with bread.

The tour concludes at our exclusive Gourmet store, where you can purchase OleoAlmanzora products along with gourmet products from Almeria (Sabores Almeria).

We offer guided tours from Monday to Sunday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, every day of the year. All visits require prior reservation, with at least 24 hours' notice.

The minimum group size for the tour is 2 people. Tours are open, which means you may join other people for the experience. We ensure guides who speak English and Spanish!

If you prefer a guaranteed private tour, please contact us directly.

"Information and bookings:


Polígono Industrial de Pulpí "Calle El Luisico" Nº8


Oficina: (+34) 950 464 180 // WhatsApp: (+34) 646 597 115

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Führung und Verkostung bei Oleotourismus Pulpi
Wir wurden sehr freundlich von Esmeralda begrüßt…fuhren dann gemeinsam zu einem Olivenhain und wurden über Olivenanbau,Ernte und Land informiert…war sehr informativ und kurzweilig. Dann ging es zurück…zunächst in den Raum wo das Öl lagert..dann zum Abfüllraum und anschließend in den Digestivraum der sehr liebevoll eingedeckt war. Wir hatten eine Filmvorstellung über den Anbau von Oliven u.v.m. Danach die Verkostung…sehr tolle Produkte und dann runter in den Shop wo wir gut eingekauft haben. Dann
Georg Claudia 2023/10/16 egunean joan zen
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