ICLC 2025 - Contributors

UOC and Multiple Venues. Rambla del Poblenou, 156 - Veure mapa
28/05/2025 09:00
Organitzat per Col·lectiu Axolot

Compra les teves entrades

Supporting Contributor

290,00 €
Choose this if you want your registration to include support for a scholarship for one of your peers.

Supported Contributor (Standard)

145,00 €
Choose this if you have institutional funding.

Independent Contributor

95,00 €
Choose this if you do not have institutional funding. Intended for independent artists/researchers
0,00 €
Despeses de gestió:
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €

descripció de l'esdeveniment

Contributor Registration – International Conference on Live Coding 2025 (May 27–31)
This registration includes the price of attendance to all concerts and sessions.   
Please note:
  • A separate (free) reservation is required for the Opening Concert on Tuesday, May 27,
    and for the Workshops on May 31 due to limited seating. 
  • Meals are not included. Lunch vouchers are sold separately

Política d'accés

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